From Beocat
Revision as of 15:39, 19 May 2017 by Mozes (talk | contribs) (Adding a missing section on Acknowlegements)
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K-State Information Technology Usage Policy

As Beocat is a K-State resource, the following usage policy also applies:

Please pay close attention to .050-2, and .050-4, as these are egregious violations.


Beocat reserves the right to a 24 hour maintenance period every other week. However, this maintenance is not always necessary. Maintenance intentions and reservations will always be announced on the mailing list 2 weeks before an actual maintenance period is in effect.

Head node computational tasks

The head node serves as a shell server and development environment for Beocat users. We wish to keep this machine running responsively to make work easier. We do not have a problem with running simple post-processing work on the head node directly. But, if your process seems too computation or memory intensive, it may have its priority severely reduced or may be killed completely. If in doubt, ask.

Due to abuses of the head node, there are now strict limits in place. If a process uses more than 4GB of RSS memory or 6GB of virtual memory, it will get killed automatically. RSS Memory is limited to 12GB across all users. CPU Usage is allocated with a fair-share algorithm, all users have equivalent access to CPU time.


For those of you using our hosted virtual machines, no backups of said machines or data are made.

At this point in time, due to the size of our main storage, we are unable to provide backups of any data.

Home Directory Quota

Each home directory has a quota of 1TB. If you use more that 1TB in your home directory, we will notify you and provide a window for resolving the issue. If no action is underwent, we will move data elsewhere.

Account deactivation

If your account has not been used for 2 years, we will mark the account for archival, and remove your ability to login. If you should need the account again, please fill out our account request form.

Acknowledging Use of Beocat Resources and/or Personnel in Publications

Click here for a list of publications that used Beocat resources and/or personnel.

  1. A publication that is based in whole or in part on computations performed using Beocat systems, including but not limited to hardware, storage, networking and/or software, should incorporate the following text into the Acknowledgements section of the publication:
    • [Some of] The computing for this project was performed on the Beocat Research Cluster at Kansas State University, which is funded in part by NSF grants CNS-1006860, EPS-1006860, and EPS-0919443.
  2. If any Beocat staff member(s) assisted with the work in any way, then for each Beocat staff member that was involved in the work:
    1. If the publication includes a substantial amount of text about the work that the Beocat staff member contributed to, and if the Beocat staff member did a substantial amount of development or optimization of software, and/or they contributed significantly to the writing of the publication, then that staff member should be included as a co-author on that publication, with author order to be negotiated among the authors.
      This requirement can be waived for tenure track (but not yet tenured) faculty if the faculty member has a compelling tenure-related interest in, for example, producing single-author publications.
    2. If the conditions above don't apply, then the Beocat staff member should be acknowledged by name and job title in the Acknowledgements section of the paper.
      For example
      Beocat Director Daniel Andresen and Beocat Systems Administrator Adam Tygart provided valuable technical expertise.
  3. A citation for your publication should be submitted to for inclusion in our papers and grants page.