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Revision as of 18:52, 19 April 2014 by Mozes (talk | contribs) (Adding some simple FAQ)
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How do I connect to Beocat

Connection Settings
Port 22
Username eID
Password eID Password

How do I compile my programs?

Serial programs


ifort or gfortran


icc, gcc and g++

Parallel programs


mpif77 or mpif90


mpicc or mpic++

How are the filesystems on Beocat set up?

Mountpoint Local / Shared Size Filesystem Advice
/home Shared 210TB total glusterfs on top of xfs Good enough for most jobs
/tmp Local >30GB (varies per node) ext2 Good for I/O intensive jobs

Usage Advice

For most jobs you shouldn't need to worry, your default working directory is your homedir and it will be fast enough for most tasks. I/O intensive work should use /tmp, but you will need to remember to copy your files to and from this partition as part of your job script. This is made easier through the $TMPDIR environment variable in your jobs.

Example usage of $TMPDIR in a job script


#copy our input file to $TMPDIR to make processing faster
cp ~/experiments/ $TMPDIR

#use the input file we copied over to the local system
#generate the output file in $TMPDIR as well
~/bin/my_program --input-file=$TMPDIR/ --output-file=$TMPDIR/

#copy the results back from $TMPDIR
cp $TMPDIR/ ~/experiments/results.$SGE_JOBID

You need to remember to copy over your data from $TMPDIR as part of your job. That directory and its contents are deleted when the job is complete.