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Revision as of 16:58, 3 July 2014 by Kylehutson (talk | contribs) (Added Resource Requests section. Still needs MPI documented.)
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Resource Requests

Aside from the time, RAM, and CPU requirements listed on the SGEBasics page, we have several other requestable resources. Generally, if you don't know if you need a particular resource, you should use the default. These can be generated with the command

qconf -sc | awk '{ if ($5 != "NO") { print }}'
name shortcut type relop requestable consumable default urgency
avx avx BOOL == YES NO FALSE 0
calendar c RESTRING == YES NO NONE 0
cpu cpu DOUBLE >= YES NO 0 0
cpu_flags c_f STRING == YES NO NONE 0
cuda cuda INT <= YES JOB 0 0
display_win_gui dwg BOOL == YES NO 0 0
exclusive excl BOOL EXCL YES YES 0 1000
h_core h_core MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
h_cpu h_cpu TIME <= YES NO 0:0:0 0
h_data h_data MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
h_fsize h_fsize MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
h_rss h_rss MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
h_rt h_rt TIME <= FORCED NO 0:0:0 0
h_stack h_stack MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
h_vmem h_vmem MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
hostname h HOST == YES NO NONE 0
infiniband ib BOOL == YES NO FALSE 0
m_core core INT <= YES NO 0 0
m_socket socket INT <= YES NO 0 0
m_thread thread INT <= YES NO 0 0
m_topology topo RESTRING == YES NO NONE 0
m_topology_inuse utopo RESTRING == YES NO NONE 0
mem_free mf MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
mem_total mt MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
mem_used mu MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0
memory mem MEMORY <= FORCED YES 0 0
num_proc p INT == YES NO 0 0
s_core s_core MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
s_cpu s_cpu TIME <= YES NO 0:0:0 0
s_data s_data MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
s_fsize s_fsize MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
s_rss s_rss MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
s_rt s_rt TIME <= YES NO 0:0:0 0
s_stack s_stack MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
s_vmem s_vmem MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
slots s INT <= YES YES 1 1000
swap_free sf MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
swap_rate sr MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0
swap_rsvd srsv MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0
swap_total st MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
swap_used su MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0
virtual_free vf MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
virtual_total vt MEMORY <= YES NO 0 0
virtual_used vu MEMORY >= YES NO 0 0

The good news is that most of these nobody ever uses. There are a couple of exceptions, though:


First of all, let me state that just because it sounds "cool" doesn't mean you need it or even want it. Infiniband does absolutely no good if running in a 'single' parallel environment. Infiniband is a high-speed host-to-host communication fabric. It is used in conjunction with MPI jobs (discussed below). Several times we have had jobs which could run just fine, except that the submitter requested Infiniband, and all the nodes with Infiniband were currently busy. In fact, some of our fastest nodes do not have Infiniband, so by requesting it when you don't need it, you are actually slowing down your job. To request Infiniband, add -l ib=true to your qsub command-line.


CUDA is the resource required for GPU computing. We have a very small number of nodes which have GPUs installed. To request one of these nodes, add -l cuda=true to your qsub command-line.

Job Accounting

Some people may find it useful to know what there job did during its run. The qacct tool will read SGE's accounting file and give you summarized or detailed views on jobs that have run within Beocat.


This data can usually be used to diagnose two very common job failures.

Job debugging

It is simplest if you know the job number of the job you are trying to get information on.

# if you know the jobid, put it here:
qacct -j 1122334455
# if you don't know the job id, you can look at your jobs over some number of days in this case the past 14 days:
qacct -o $USER -d 14 -j
My job didn't do anything when it ran!
qname        batch.q             
hostname     mage07.beocat       
group        some_user_users        
owner        some_user              
project      BEODEFAULT          
department   defaultdepartment   
jobnumber    1122334455          
snipped to save space
exit_status  1                   
ru_wallclock 1s
ru_utime     0.030s
ru_stime     0.030s
snipped to save space
arid         undefined
category     -u some_user -q batch.q,long.q -l h_rt=604800,mem_free=1024.0M,memory=2G

If you look at the line showing ru_wallclock. You can see that it shows 1s. This means that the job started and then promptly ended. This points to something being wrong with your submission script. Perhaps there is a typo somewhere in it.

My job ran but didn't finish!
qname        batch.q             
hostname     scout59.beocat      
group        some_user_users     
owner        some_user           
project      BEODEFAULT          
department   defaultdepartment   
jobnumber    1122334455            
snipped to save space
slots        1                   
failed       37  : qmaster enforced h_rt, h_cpu, or h_vmem limit
exit_status  0                   
ru_wallclock 21600s
ru_utime     0.130s
ru_stime     0.020s
snipped to save space
arid         undefined
category     -u some_user -q batch.q,long.q -l h_rt=21600,mem_free=512.0M,memory=1G

If you look at the lines showing failed, ru_wallclock and category we can see some pointers to the issue. It didn't finish because the scheduler (qmaster) enforced some limit. If you look at the category line, the only limit requested was h_rt. So it was a runtime (wallclock) limit. Comparing ru_wallclock and the h_rt request, we can see that it ran until the h_rt time was hit, and then the scheduler enforce the limit and killed the job. You will need to resubmit the job and ask for more time next time.